
Power crunch
Power crunch

power crunch


“It is a kind of nonaggression pact that we are seeing among the members of the coalition that is especially important when it comes to ideological positions,” Professor Schroeder, the political scientist, said.Īs the energy crisis worsens, the speed limit issue could cause tension within the coalition, but it is unlikely to break it, experts say, especially since other measures can do more to save emissions, like concrete steps to reduce emissions that are being discussed as part of budget negotiations this week in parliament.įor the Free Democratic Party, speed-limit-free driving is an important issue for its base, which skews wealthy, well-educated and privileged. With the dominant member of the coalition, the Social Democratic Party, playing more of a mediator role, things look set to remain as they are. Her party had chosen to focus “on the progress we can make together,” rather than push the divisive issue, she added. But, she said, “It’s become this glaring symbol in politics.” Putting speed limits in place would be an easy, if modest, step toward helping get to the country’s emission goals, according to Swantje Henrike Michaelsen, a Green lawmaker and member of the parliamentary traffic committee. say that they feel the issue is settled, at least until the next government. With the coalition agreement cementing no new speed limits, Mr. “We rely on people’s sense of responsibility, and we don’t want to regulate,” he said. Nonetheless, Bernd Reuther, a traffic expert for the Free Democratic Party, defended the status quo. Even though the autobahn is lauded for its safety when compared with other highways, official figures show that where the autobahn has no speed restrictions, there are 75 percent more accidents involving a death than on stretches that have speed limits. “It’s pretty straightforward: Society is changing, and with it, the A.D.A.C.,” Katrin van Randenborgh, a spokeswoman for the club, said.Īnother part of the debate involves accidents. Surveys of their members found that, for the first time in nearly three decades, most were no longer opposed to a limit. In 2020, the A.D.A.C, a nearly 120-year-old automobile club in Germany with more than 20 million members, stopped lobbying against limits. Other sections have temporary limits linked to construction work. a more realistic limit - the savings would drop to 1.9 million metric tons, or just above 1 percent of total transportation emissions.Ĭurrently, about 30 percent of the autobahn system has permanent restrictions.


If drivers kept to a speed limit of 130 k.p.h., or 80 m.p.h. If drivers actually kept to that speed, 5.4 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions could be saved, about 3 percent of all CO2 emitted from transportation. limit on other roads, Germany’s 48 million automobiles could save 2.1 billion liters of fuel every year. The German Environment Ministry found that if a speed limit of 100 kilometers per hour, about 62 miles per hour, were put in place on the autobahns, with an 80 k.p.h. While the idea was blocked by coalition partners, a recent poll commissioned by the magazine Der Spiegel found that 55 percent of Germans supported the idea of an immediate, if temporary, speed limit, with 39 percent against. In April, two months after Russia attacked Ukraine and as Germany tried to reduce its energy dependence on Russia, Ricarda Lang, co-leader of the Greens, proposed a temporary speed limit to help save gasoline.

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    power crunch

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    Power crunch